lundi 13 juin 2016

Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology 5E

With Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology, 5th Edition, you can quickly confirm your diagnoses for even the most challenging dermatologic conditions! Written by Dr. James G. Marks, Jr. and Dr. Jeffrey J. Miller, this highly visual guide provides the foundational information you need to identify the full range of skin diseases - all in a consistent, quick-reference format ideal for use in clinical practice. Distinguish differences among skin conditions using tables that summarize the most important characteristics of the major categories.Consider atypical diagnoses by viewing additional photos of more uncommon presentations at the end of each chapter.Make a differential diagnosis with help from numerous tables that rank skin diseases according to frequency of incidence and highlight clinical features.Test your mastery of key material with self-assessment case reviews.Reach a diagnosis with confidence thanks to superb clinical photographs, full-color histopathology images, and corresponding cross-sectional line diagrams that provide details on cause and condition.Find the information you need quickly with topics arranged in alphabetical order for fast reference, and therapy options in highlighted boxes.Access the entire text and illustrations online at
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